
So it's Facebook Official...

by - Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bump - due to arrive on 30th October, 2011
Being somewhat superstitious, I felt strongly that my partner and I shouldn't spread news of our pregnancy too far until we'd reached the twelve week mark and had been for our first ultrasound scan.

So we kept our little secret, telling only our close family and closest friends right up until the day when we saw bump's heart beating on that black and white screen. And today we made our pregnancy "Facebook official", posting our scan photo on each of our walls and making our news public.

Though for me, it wasn't without much trepidation!

Both my partner and I are of the understanding that posting something on Facebook is something made immediately public, and which can't ever be taken back. We were a couple for many months before declaring our status as an item! And through all the hardship of divorcing my ex-husband, I refused to even mention it once. Not even when I reverted back to using my maiden name.

Yes, Facebook is a social networking site, an extension of our real-life social circle if you please. Though while so many of my friends and peers use Facebok to maintain and extend their offline relationships, I can't help but be ultra aware of the Jeremy-Kyle generation, and the harmful gossip which often originates from a misinterpreted comment.

Call me old fashioned, but I'll never post something identifiably personal or gossipy on Facebook (or indeed on any other web site!). Except for those rare times when I can share something important to me and my family which spreads smiles and happiness.

Which is why today we have made our pregnancy Facebook Official, and can't wait to the day when we can tell the world that bump has made an entrance to the world!

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