
The Dangerous Book for Boys - Book Review

by - Monday, May 09, 2011

Each Friday on Glamumous, you'll find book reviews of titles both new and old. This week, I'm reviewing The Dangerous Book for Boys by Con and Hal Iggledon, a title which promises to please boys from 9 to 90 - and our family all agree that it lives up to this claim!

Through The Dangerous Book for Boys, the Iggledons take us back to an era before MTV and videogames - when boys climbed trees, made slingshots with rubber bands and read about the true-life adventures of men they aspired to be like.

Including such classic projects as the ultimate paper plane and the best treatment for conkers, The Dangerous Book includes activities which can be done year round, including loads of activities which come in handy for a rainy day.

Not just for the boys, my daughter enjoys this book just as much as my son and frequently dives in to a random page (making her feminine imprint on the more masculine makes of course!), though we've found The Daring Book for Girls to be a worthwhile read too!

Without a doubt, our whole family give this book the full five stars. It's a beautiful addition to any family library and the easiest thing to bring out on those days when all the kids have to say is "I'm bored..."

Book Title: The Dangerous Book for Boys
Reviewed by: Amanda Kennedy on 05-11-2011
Rating: 5/5

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