
Welcome New Readers!

by - Monday, December 09, 2013

A warm welcome to all new Glamumous readers and subscribers! Over the weekend I was awed to discover a huge jump in visitors and followers, due to a surge of interest in my 101 Household Tips post. I'm so happy to know so many people enjoyed this post and wish you all a great big thank you for helping Glamumous reach so many new people!

I'm currently writing new articles (with a slant towards festive themed posts). In the meantime, why not check out some high-quality posts from the archives. Here are a few of my favourites:

85 Useful Tips Which Could Help Save Lives

Top 100 Family Friendly Films

50 Great Books to Read This (or next?) Year

The Great Big List of Pregnancy Freebies

Free Resources to Support your Child's Education

Be among the first to discover new content by becoming an email subscriber (with a "no spam" guarantee!). You can also follow Glamumous on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

As always, I am open to suggestions for future posts, so if you have an idea you'd like me to write about (or would simply like to say hello) feel free to email me or send me a message via Facebook.

Once again, thank you for reading Glamumous. I look forward to delivering more great posts for you to read soon!

Image credit (post banner): Lauren Hammond, Via Flickr

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