Snuggling up on the sofa to watch a DVD together is a wonderful experience, but there's only so many times a parent can watch Disney Princess films with their daughter!
Luckily Princess shares my love of film, and has learned to trust my judgement when I suggest we watch movies she may not have chosen for herself. The ideal recipe seems to include romance, drama, and of course a happy ending - preferably with a female lead and a touch of morality thrown in for good measure.
Here are our top ten favourite films for parents to watch with their daughters, all of which feature storylines and characters for you both to enjoy.
1. Mamma Mia!
2. Annie (1982)
3. The Wizard of Oz
4. Legally Blonde
5. Matilda
6. The Secret Garden
7. Mary Poppins
8. High School Musical
9. Drop Dead Fred
10. My Girl
What are your favourite parent-daughter films?
Have we missed your favourite family film in this list? Please let us know your own suggestions of movies to watch with your daughter by leaving your comments below.
Photo credit: dr_tr