
The Children's University - Supporting our Young Learners

by - Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Children's University is a wonderful trust which aims to provide children with opportunities for low-cost, accessible extra-curricular activities across the UK. I'm an avid fan of this wonderful scheme which has enabled Princess to enjoy many free and low-cost activities which we may otherwise not have been able to afford.

Studies prove that children who participate regularly in activities after school foster a greater love of learning which boosts their potential for academic achievement. The Children's University recognises that socio-economic status means not all children are able to participate in such engaging activities and aims to alleviate this by providing grants and activities in areas of deprivation.

Now celebrating it's fifth year, the trust boasts millions of hours of free and low-cost out-of-school activities for children aged between 7 and 14. Over 80 local universities have been set up, with a further 25 in progress, enabling children from all walks of life the opportunity to participate in exciting and educational activities for which they can receive accreditation for their time in the form of certificates and award ceremonies.

Membership to The Children's University is usually managed at a school level and is operated as a partnership between several organisations in the locality. Children who are enrolled in the scheme are given a Learning Passport in which to record the hours spent on activities at approved Learning Destinations. In return they can receive certificates and be invited to award ceremonies to celebrate their participation.

If your child's school doesn't participate in The Children's University it should still be possible for them to enrol and accrue learning hours independently. Simply contact your local Children's University to find a Learning Destination where they can enrol and ensure you sign up to newsletters to learn about the activities and events happening in your area.

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