
Shaving Foam - So good for household cleaning!

by - Friday, January 04, 2013

Yesterday I set about purging my entire kitchen of muck and mess. Essentially three years' worth of spring cleaning to be achieved in a single day.

Yes, there was a lot to do, considering I hadn't properly cleaned the tiles, around the chip pan or scrubbed between the appliances since before we moved in, but I'm on a mission with my New Year resolution to keep house and intended to get the job done.

Cleaning the dried on oily gunk from around the chip-pan and cooker was undoubtedly the most difficult element, until I remembered having seen an episode of How Clean is your House in which Kim explained that good old fashioned shaving foam is excellent for cleaning up grease from kitchen tiles.

Essentially, shaving foam is concentrated soap making it the ideal frugal product for grease and grime removal in the kitchen. I covered the greasy spots in a thick layer, rubbed it in with a dishcloth and waited about 20 minutes... After which the greasy gunk virtually wiped off, barely any elbow grease required!

I'd tried loads of other products before to achieve the same thing but had found myself scrubbing for hours despite product claims of being the best grease-busters on the market. My 47p shaving foam did a better job than everything else I've tried combined. So I used it for virtually the whole kitchen - tiles, grubby spots on the floor, cleaning the ventilation fan. Now the kitchen looks like new!

So the next time you need to stock up on cleaning products, ditch the expensive brands and bag yourself a sub-50p, basic/smart price can of shaving foam instead and experiment. I assure you, you'll be glad that you did!

P.S - Shaving foam is also great at removing price stickers and gluey gunk from mirrors and glass too!

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