
Welcoming 2012

by - Sunday, January 01, 2012

Welcome to 2012! A new year in blogging, with this first being my initial burst of energy in hoping to maintain a resolution to write more and further my ventures online.

With such an eventful (and often upsetting) year behind us, I hope this year will see a smaller share of bad luck for those close to me, replaced instead by a greater share of happiness, especially now that we have a beautiful new addition to our family.

Best wishes to all who read Glamumous, I hope the year ahead will be a happy one for you too!

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  1. An example comment (testing threaded comments)

  2. I didn't know you had another site. I've been reading and following you for years at BloggerBuster. I just wandered in here by chance. I'm writing a post about blogging women and already linked to you at BB. I came to this blog cause you reviewed Blogging in Pink. Nice to find you again.
