
A safe mobile phone for your kids

by - Friday, December 14, 2007

Omego have developed a fully functional mobile phone for children. Unlike regular cell-phones, the Omego phone can be completely controlled: when and who a child can call, who can call them (to ensure strangers or unwanted calls are not received), plus many more useful features.

The design of the handset is also very useful for younger hands: it cannot easily be broken or damages (issues which concern many parents in offering their child a regular handset to stay in touch!). Also it includes educational games and a fully featured kiddie scheduler so the children will always be organized.

You can purchase the Omego phone with either a 12 month contract (for £15 per month, the handset is free), or as a Pay as you Talk handset from Amazon.co.uk which currently costs £89.99 (plus delivery).

For more information or to purchase an Omego phone, visit the Omeg0 website at www.omegomobile.com

Image credit: Peter Verkhovenskey

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