
Anti-Bullying Week

by - Friday, November 23, 2007

Bullying is a widespread problem, damaging the mental and physical health of children and young people.

  • 45% of all children have been bullied (Department for Education and Skills)
  • Bullying worsens social exclusion
  • Victims of bullying lack confidence, often have few friends, spend their leisure time alone, and often suffer from anxiety, sleep problems, depression and even suicide (Royal College of Psychiatrists)
  • 1 in every 2 school exclusions and 46% of school non-attendance is in some way related to bullying (Institute of Education)
  • Bullying has a damaging effect on educational attainment
  • School policies to tackle bullying are not always effective
If you are a parent whose child has been the victim of bullying, you will be only too aware of the problem, and the emotional turmoil it creates. Anti-Bullying week helps schools and communities coordinate anti-bullying strategies, and bring widespread awareness to the problem of bullying.
Anti-Bullying week runs from the 19th to the 23rd of November, and gives us all a chance to educate our children about bullying and how it can be stopped. Many schools and national authorities across the country are taking part in events and activities to raise awareness of this campaign. You can find out what's happening in your area by visiting the Anti-Bullying Alliance events page.

If you think your child has been the victim of bullying, talk to them about this and reassure them that they have done nothing wrong. Many children are afraid or embarrassed to talk about their problems and need reassurance to know that they will be alright. Schools generally take a tough approach to bullying, so if you worry that your child has been bullied at school, you should arrange to meet your child's teacher and ask about your school's policies on bullying.

For more information about Anti-Bullying Week, check out these useful and informative sites:


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